In Washington State, Puget Sound prairies are considered critically threatened and of great conservation interest because of their high biodiversity, cultural importance, and preponderance of state- and federally-listed plant, mammal, avian, and invertebrate species. As such, remaining prairies have been the focus of intensive restoration and management practices such as prescribed burning, herbicide application, and seeding with native grasses and forbs. These prairies are also characterized by a diverse cryptogamic layer of bryophytes and lichens including several species of conservation concern. This presentation will describe the biodiversity and conservation status of Puget Sound prairie bryophyte and lichen communities including potential impacts from prescribed burning practices on rare lichens. This talk will also highlight the spatial and temporal variability of N2-fixing moss-cyanobacteria associations in Puget Sound prairies.
Dr. Calabria's teaching and research focuses on the biodiversity and conservation of North American lichens and bryophytes. Dr. Calabria enjoys spending time in the field and the lab with undergraduate students conducting floristic inventories and documenting rare and endemic lichen and bryophyte species.
You are invited to a free Zoom webinar.
Thursday, April 1, 2021 07:00 PM PacificTime
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Earlier Event: March 4
Plants on Islands: Insights into the Flora of the San Juan Islands
Later Event: April 9
Washington Native Plant Society - Online Spring Native Plant Sale