Location: Seattle University, Administration Building, Classroom 307
Speaker: Elizabeth Dale, Assistant Professor, Seattle University & Nonprofit/Philanthropic Giving Researcher
Individual giving is the hallmark of a diversified fundraising program and often provides organizations with a needed source of unrestricted financial support. But not all donors are the same. Learn fundraising best practices and new research to understand how to cultivate a diverse donor base.
Participants will first be introduced to the donor development cycle and how to identify potential donors. We will then explore differences in giving among men and women, how couples make giving decisions, and what to consider when working with LGBT donors. Finally, we will translate the research to actual steps you can take to engage and cultivate donors, applying both the research and best practices to your organization.
Getting there and parking
Driving directions: https://www.seattleu.edu/visit/getting-to-seattle-university/
The Administration Building is in the NW corner of campus, so you could park on Madison Ave near Broadway. Campus map: https://www.seattleu.edu/map/